Wags and Whiskers Pet Rescue, Inc. Cookeville, TN

Note: We have a new assistance program as descirbed below
We now only offer assistance at the Major Mike's Spay/Neuter Clinic in Cookeville. Under that program, your cost for a cat or a dog to be spayed including pain medications and a rabies vaccination will be $35
How It Works
Call 931-854-5055 or email to majormikeshipleyclinic@gmail.com and ask for an appointment and for financial assistance.
They will ask for personal information including how many people are in your household, the household income, your address and phone number.
They will determine if you qualify for assistance and let you know.
They will ask for information on each cat or dog to be spayed.
Please follow their instructions about bringing in and picking up your animals.
You will need to pay the $35 per animal per their instructions.
Please follow their post-operation instructions when you bring your animals back home.
If you do not qualify for assistance, the regular prices are:
Male Cat $90
Female Cat: $110
Male Dog $120
Female Dog $130
This assistance is made possible through donations from
individuals and grants from other organizations.