Wags and Whiskers Pet Rescue, Inc. Cookeville, TN
Spay/Neuter assistance is available again from Wags and Whiskers but now only at our Spay/Neuter Clinic in Cookeville ( "Major Mike Shipley Spay & Neuter Clinic"). When you make an appointment for your dog or cat's surgery, ask them about what help is available. Wags and Whiskers is one source of help there, and using our assistance, spay/neuter for either a cat or a dog will cost you only $35. Click here to learn more. If you are not able to use this clinic, click here to see some other options.
Major Mike's Clinic Phone: 931-854-5055
Clinic E-Mail
Clinic Address
180 Miller Rd, Cookeville, TN 38501
Wags and Whiskers Pet Rescue, Inc.
Cookeville, TN
Elizabeth Sofia, President
Alan Baker, Secretary